Rilasciata la versione 1.0-RC2 di RPGds

Data 15/01/2010 15:30:00 | Argomento: RPGds

Numerose aggiunte e bug-fix in questa RC.

Prima di lasciarvi all'elenco delle modifiche, ecco dove scaricare questa Release Candidate:
(ricordo che qui รจ possibile scaricare la versione per Linux, Windows e MacOs).

Vi segnalo anche la pagina su Facebook dove seguire gli sviluppi:

Ed ora ecco parte dell'elenco:
Added '$that' variable to complement '$this'. Where '$this' is the object that raised the event (if applicable) '$that' is the sprite
that caused the event. For example in a Collide event, '$this' is the sprite being run into, and '$that' is the sprite doing the running.
Added functionality to NPC sprites to allow them to raise the On
Collision event.
Added Move Object script command to help simplify object movement and reduce the amount of code needed.
Added a setting to override the automatic language selection.
Added the Music and Sound Effects code (that has been missing since r11) back in.
Added Parallax resource type to the Load and Unload resource commands.
Added an On Push event to sprites.
Added the functions %spritearea() and %zonearea() along with their respective shortened names %sa() and %za() to the expression evaluator.
Added some additional safety guards when trying to load/save custom files in a path that you have no permission to do so.
Added the functionality to stop music and sound effects.

Changed the On Collision event to raise the event for both sprites involved in a collision, not just the one collided into.
Changed the way RPGds is run on Linux to no longer require an LD wrapper script.

Fixed a bug with '$this' reporting the objects name, not its index as intended.
Fixed a bug that caused the VSD to crash (very rarely) when loaded.
Fixed a bug with the language load path.
Fixed a coordinates bug with the "Jump to" screen pan script.
Fixed a bug with animations and parallax resources not unloading when managed.
Fixed a bug with all resources not switching back to managed when the unload command is used.
Fixed a bug with fonts never unloading, managed or manually.
Fixed a bug with all map data not clearing when maps were unloaded.
Fixed a bug that would cause successive load and unload commands for
the same resource to stack.
Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when you used a sprite image resource in the scripter that hasn't been loaded yet.
Fixed a bug that caused a crash when you specify an out of bounds index for the sprite or map values in the manage sprite and manage zone commands.
Fixed a bug with the manage sprites command not importing the walk path into the path editor.
Fixed a bug that wouldn't recognize the new path commands if used through the manage sprite command.
Fixed a bug with the 'phasing' option going haywire if they were 4 directional sprites that needed a non cardinal direction, and just plain didnt work.
Fixed a bug with setting/unsetting the Sentry option in sprite paths.
Fixed a bug that allowed sprites to move beyond the boundaries of the map in a non looped map.
Fixed a bug with multidirectional collision values not working.
Fixed a bug with undo/redo not recording the far right and bottom edges.
Fixed a bug with the floodfill tool not marking the map as dirty for saving.
Fixed a bug with many functions and commands requiring an empty expression to encase math when they shouldn't.
Fixed a bug with the Rectangle and Ellipse tools not drawing on the borders of the map with larger brushes.
Fixed a bug with using shape tools and releasing the mouse button off canvas.
Fixed a z order bug with sprites of different heights.
Fixed a z order bug with the last sprite in the stack.
Fixed a bug with single frame sprites that are linked to movement drawing the incorrect direction.
Fixed bug with the %col() expression.
Fixed inaccuracies with various internal functions that used the top left of a sprite or zone to determine its location. The center of the sprites collision rect, or the center of the zone, is now used.
Fixed a bug with setting a sprites y position via script not adjusting the z order properly.
Fixed a bug with the Edit Tile command not setting the tile of the top layer properly.
Fixed bugs with the GoTo command being one index off.
Fixed a bug in the expression parser with division by zero causing a crash.
Fixed a bug in the expression parser with having oddball math
expressions like "0-2.a" causing a crash.
Fixed coloring bug with various main GUI widgets.
Fixed a bug with saving custom data with file access commands that is larger than 128 characters. (255 is the enforced maximum per entry)
Fixed a bug with the file access commands not updating saved files in Windows once the data directory has been created.

Removed %rgb() and %rgba() and replaced them with %color()

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